A number of ministries are currently talking about suffering, what with the tough economic times and so forth. 1. We live in a fallen world, and bad stuff happens. This is not God trying to teach us a lesson, although God can and does turn evil for good. 2. Satan is a liar and a deceiver. His tools are sickness, poverty and death. If you see these things in your life, it is not God correcting you. Sin has consequences, and God will not necessarily give you a free "get out of jail card." He WILL forgive your sin when you confess it and ask for forgiveness. 3. God does not correct us by trying to kill us or our family members. Hopefully, your earthly father did not do it that way either. 4. When God corrects us, He does it with the Word. Or more specifically with what the Word says. We have a covenant of peace with God, and He is not judging anyone at this time. There is a time reserved for judgement. 5. The non-believer will stand the Great White Throne Judgement . 6. The beli...