
Showing posts from January, 2009

Stewardship - Christian Giving

Biblical Finance - Christian Giving First of all, it is important to understand a couple of basic principles of the law: 1. A law stands on the books until it is amended or rescinded (repealed). This is true of all laws whether man's law or God's law. 2. When the king speaks, his words become law. This is true whether an earthly king or the heavenly king. The Word of God is therefore, law. The laws established by God in the Old Testament carry over into the New Testament unless they are amended or rescinded. This is called the Biblical carryover principle. Also realize that prior to the cross, we are still in the Old Testament covenant. Note that while the law was given to the Jew, the New Testament Christian is grafted in (Rom 11:17) as a spiritual Jew. This is why we study the Old Testament and support Israel. When the New Testament quotes an Old Testament passage, that is evidence that passage carries over. Jesus said he did not come to destroy the law, He came to fulfill it...