
Showing posts from April, 2009

Okeechobee Samboree - Sunday

Chapel service this morning was conducted by one of the State staff. Did a great job on mothers for mother's day (because we will not be together on Mother's day). Then I went over to Living Word of Faith Church (oldest Church in Okeechobee) for the Sunday morning service. Pastor Lee was out of the hospital and back in good form. He preached on what is right with this Church (as opposed to what is wrong with the Church, which I hear quite a bit).

Okeechobee Samboree Saturday

Entertainment last night was by Crystal Gage (country singer). With these groups, they always find the longest married couple. The winner was 69 years - and they still go to RV rallys? Mr. was 92, Mr's wouldn't say. Crystal said "looks like you are stuck with him." She answered "I'm afraid so."

Easter Sunrise Service

I went to the local lakeside sunrise service this morning, which is a Lutheran Church. The fog came in just before sunup, and you couldn't see a thing. The Pastor was pretty funny. He said "we have to believe by faith that there is a sun rising there at exactly 7:01." It was a great lead-in for believing by faith that Jesus rose from the tomb.