Creation vs. Evolution
During the 45 years I spend as a scientist and engineering manager, I believed in Darwinian Evolution. I was taught Evolution in school, and I took courses in Paleontology and Geology in college which supported changes occurring over millions of years of Earth's history. During my career, I met a number of scientists who professed to be Christians, and they seemed to be able to harmonize their faith with their understanding of science. Some of those were world-class scientists, by the way. No one ever talked to me about Creationism. When I became a follower of Jesus Christ in the year 2000 (at age 60). I believed the Bible was a true historical account dictated to men by God, who wrote it down, but there remained a nagging problem with the millions of years of geological history. I embraced the Gap Theory, and shoehorned the millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, as many Christians have done. Because Satan was already in his fallen state in Genesis 3:1, his fall had to ha...