
Showing posts from October, 2014

Biblical Lifespan - not 120 years

I have heard a number of Biblical teachers, who should know better, say that man's life span should be 120 years, based on the passage in Genesis 6:3. The following article corrects this erroneous teaching:  Long Life - Rev. James H. Houchens Before the flood people lived hundreds of years. Adam died when he was 930 years old, so he lived nearly to the time of Noah. The only people born before the flood who survived the flood, were Noah and his family. Noah lived 350 years after the flood, and died at age 950 years (Gen. 9:28-29), so it was not the flood itself that shortened man’s life span. Methuselah was born shortly after Adam was 700 years old, and he lived 969 years, spanning the time of Adam until the flood. He died the year of the flood (not in the flood), and some say God waited until the death of Methuselah to bring the flood. Different meanings are given for his name by various references, but I lean toward the one given by J. Vernon McGee: The name of Methusela...