
Showing posts from January, 2015

Women Pastors

Note: I wrote this article after one of our recent breakfast meetings at the Saturday 84 Diner Men's Discussion Group. Our discussion this morning began with the observation that many Churches have no Pastor. While there are "circuit riders" who serve some of these congregations without shepherds, the demand exceeds the supply. This is happening because some Pastors have become disillusioned with today's Church and resigned, and there are not enough students entering seminaries to study for the pastorate. While some Church organizations have always ordained woman Pastors, most of the mainline denominations have not. However, in recent times, many Protestant Churches have begun to ordain female Pastors and Bishops. Historically, the Pentecostal, Charismatic, Word of Faith and many non-denominational Churches  - which are products of the 20th Century - have always ordained female Pastors. This led to the never-ending argument about whether w...