What is a Christian To Do About Political Issues?
What should a Christian Do Who Wants To Be A Good Citizen? Recently, I had a discussion with a Pastor about what you can, or cannot say from the pulpit. His position was that you are only to preach the truth of the Gospel and pray. This follows the old line of “don’t mix religion and politics.” The real question might be “does a Pastor give up his constitutional rights when he stands in the pulpit.” We agreed that the United States is heading in the wrong direction both governmentally and spiritually. We also agreed that the U.S. two-party system is flawed with both Congress and the Senate ineffective and corrupt whether Democrat or Republican. There are lots of organizations pointing out problems, but few proposing workable solutions. The current administration wants to redefine the constitution to say “freedom of worship” rather than “freedom of religion.” The idea is that you can say what you want inside the walls of the Church building, but should refrain when in ...