God Supplies All Our Needs

This is my favorite story from the Traveling Ministry. I was heading North on I-57 through Illinois on my way to Indianapolis to visit my son and his family. I have a sign on the side of my rig with the name of the ministry, E-Mail address and my cel phone number. Suddenly, the phone rang. When I answered it, a woman's voice said "are you the guy pulling the trailer we just passed." I said "I guess so." She said "could you stop up ahead?" So I said "sure, why." Then she said "the Lord spoke to us and told us to give you some money." Thoughts raced through my head. Could this be some kind of highway pirate scam? I said "pull off at the next exit, I am getting off there anyway." It was time for lunch, and I thought it was safer than stopping along a freeway. As I rolled up the exit ramp, there was a little red sports car sitting there with two people and a kid. As I got out of my truck, a woman got out of the sports car, gave me a big hug, and handed me a check for $100. She said "bless you for what you do", and got back in, and they drove off. I was left standing there looking at the check, wondering if it was good. It turns out it was. I wrote a letter to the address on the check, thanking them for being obedient.


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