
Showing posts from February, 2010

Marriage with Love and Respect

I just attended the "Love and Respect" conference at Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale - not to fix my marriage (I am a widower), but to gather information for marriage counseling. The conference is based on Dr. Emerson Eggerich's book by the same title see his website for more information - His teaching is founded on the Scripture in Ephesians 5:25-33. Why does God command men to love their wives, but command wives to respect their husbands? Why bot tell both to both love and respect? Because God is not into redundancy. Women were designed by God to love, that's what they do. Their most fundamental need is for love. God commands them to respect, because it is not in their nature. Men, on the other hand, were designed to provide and protect. Their most fundamental need is for respect, so God commands them to love, because it is not in their nature. Women want love, and when they don't get it, they respond with disrespect - nagging, compla...