Global Celebration - Florida 2010
I tried to put together a report on the Global Celebration Conference I have been attending the last two week, and it is hard to condense so much down to something manageable. Sponsor of this conference series is Georgian Banov ( He was a communist in Bulgaria 30 years ago. He fled Bulgaria, and landed in the U.S., where he got saved. He is an accomplished musician, and has won a Dove award for his music. He married an American woman, who was a Lutheran from Minneapolis. She got filled with the Holy Ghost at John Arnott's Church in 1995, and has never been the same since. She went from being a wimpy Christian to super bold. Georgian claims she is a prophet. She spoke at one of the conference sessions (day session are mostly women attendees) and her style is over the top. I have the DVD if you want to see what I mean. Anyway, since 1995, they have traveled all over the world, ministering in places "where they were not invited" as they put...