Global Celebration - Florida 2010

I tried to put together a report on the Global Celebration Conference I have been attending the last two week, and it is hard to condense so much down to something manageable.

Sponsor of this conference series is Georgian Banov ( He was a communist in Bulgaria 30 years ago. He fled Bulgaria, and landed in the U.S., where he got saved. He is an accomplished musician, and has won a Dove award for his music. He married an American woman, who was a Lutheran from Minneapolis. She got filled with the Holy Ghost at John Arnott's Church in 1995, and has never been the same since. She went from being a wimpy Christian to super bold. Georgian claims she is a prophet. She spoke at one of the conference sessions (day session are mostly women attendees) and her style is over the top. I have the DVD if you want to see what I mean.
Anyway, since 1995, they have traveled all over the world, ministering in places "where they were not invited" as they put it. Recently, they met Heidi Baker, who has been a missionary in Mozambique.for ten years. She has planted 10,000 Churches in Africa. She a little bitty blond woman who has survived all kinds of hair raising experiences. She also spoke at one of the sessions.

The conference started on 3/3 in Clearwater at Flowing River Church ( with Jeramie Nelson. This was the first meeting I have attended (and I've been to a lot) where worship music was with a lead guitar and a cello - it was cool.

The conference continued in Tampa at the Center For Manifestation ( Of special not was the message by Dr. Guillermo Maldonato. He Pastors a Spanish Mega Church in Miami. His teaching on God's Glory was outstanding. The conference closed on Sunday night with Dr. Mark Chironna. You know him as a frequent host on TBN, but he is much different in person than he is on TV. Not many people know that he comes from a Mafia family, and that he had serious intentions to become a replacement for Frank Sinatra. He can still sing very well, although he damaged his vocal cords preaching loud.

The Global Celebration continued in Boca Raton at Christ The Rock International Church (, so I drove up Friday night to hear Sid Roth ( speak. Sid is a born-again Jew, and they chose him to appeal to the many Jews who live in the Boca area. After New York, Boca has the highest concentration of Jewish population outside of Israel. I like to hear them preach, because they are so on fire for Jesus. The program was so successful, they intend to come back in the future with more advertising directed at the Jewish community.
Saturday night, the speaker was John Arnott. He is the pastor of the Toronto Airport Church where they had the big revival 10 years ago. He has mellowed a lot since that time, and his message was good.

The conference ended Sunday, 3/14, at The Oasis at Christian Family Worship Center ( in Haranja (Homestead, FL) with very special worship music and Georgian Banov's violin.

I have CD's and DVD's of selected portions of the conference. Let me know if you would like to see them. I took some video clips with my celphone, but unfortunately, Facebook has no provision for posting video albums. I am concerned about posting videos of copyrighted music. If you Google "Global Celebration" on YouTube, there is a whole bunch of videos of Georgian and Winnie Banov's ministries and earlier Global Celebrations.


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