Good Friday Is It Good?
Well, it's Good Friday. It was not a good day for Jesus, but He counted it as Joy because of the Hope we have if we accept it. Isaiah 53 outlines the work Jesus did on the cross.
Like many, I have trouble understanding how Jesus could have spent 3 days and 3 nights in the earth and rose on Sunday if He died on Friday. Yes, under Jewish Law any part of a day is counted as one day, and the day begins at Sundown. The Bible narrative indicates this was a week with two High Holy days. The day before is called preparation day because no work can be done on a Holy Day (a Sabbath). Saturday is always a Holy Day (The Sabbath). The so-called Last Supper was held on Wednesday. Jesus was arrested, run through a kangaroo court, crucified and taken down from the cross before sundown because Jewish law prohibited anyone hung on a tree to be left overnight. Jesus was the Passover Lamb sacrificed for us, He rose on Sunday, the day of First Fruits. Jesus IS the First Fruits of the resurrection.
What is important is that He died (no question about that after a Roman soldier stuck a spear in His heart - blood and water came out. The red cells begin to separate from the plasma after death). It is important that he was buried exactly as the Scriptures foretold - in a tomb that had never been used before. The tomb was closed with a heavy rolling stone that was sealed and guarded by Roman soldiers (nobody sneaks past Roman soldiers and unseals a tomb and steals the body). It is very important that Jesus was raised from the dead. There were many eyewitnesses to the risen Jesus. Many of them were martyred for their testimony. Nobody dies for a testimony they know is a lie.
It's also Passover which began last night at sundown according to the Lunar calendar. It's unusual for Passover and Easter to be in the same week. You can dig backward in the Lunar calendar to find which years have a week with two High Holy Days and there are only two which fit the narrative.
I engaged a couple of Jewish guys in the last week. I told them Jesus fulfilled over 200 Old Testament prophecies. Neither one accepted it. I offered one a copy of the book "Isiah 53 Explained" he didn't accept that either. I expect them to be among the many people who die in the 7 years of tribulation which I believe is coming soon. Maybe their eyes will be opened before it is too late.
Like many, I have trouble understanding how Jesus could have spent 3 days and 3 nights in the earth and rose on Sunday if He died on Friday. Yes, under Jewish Law any part of a day is counted as one day, and the day begins at Sundown. The Bible narrative indicates this was a week with two High Holy days. The day before is called preparation day because no work can be done on a Holy Day (a Sabbath). Saturday is always a Holy Day (The Sabbath). The so-called Last Supper was held on Wednesday. Jesus was arrested, run through a kangaroo court, crucified and taken down from the cross before sundown because Jewish law prohibited anyone hung on a tree to be left overnight. Jesus was the Passover Lamb sacrificed for us, He rose on Sunday, the day of First Fruits. Jesus IS the First Fruits of the resurrection.
What is important is that He died (no question about that after a Roman soldier stuck a spear in His heart - blood and water came out. The red cells begin to separate from the plasma after death). It is important that he was buried exactly as the Scriptures foretold - in a tomb that had never been used before. The tomb was closed with a heavy rolling stone that was sealed and guarded by Roman soldiers (nobody sneaks past Roman soldiers and unseals a tomb and steals the body). It is very important that Jesus was raised from the dead. There were many eyewitnesses to the risen Jesus. Many of them were martyred for their testimony. Nobody dies for a testimony they know is a lie.
It's also Passover which began last night at sundown according to the Lunar calendar. It's unusual for Passover and Easter to be in the same week. You can dig backward in the Lunar calendar to find which years have a week with two High Holy Days and there are only two which fit the narrative.
I engaged a couple of Jewish guys in the last week. I told them Jesus fulfilled over 200 Old Testament prophecies. Neither one accepted it. I offered one a copy of the book "Isiah 53 Explained" he didn't accept that either. I expect them to be among the many people who die in the 7 years of tribulation which I believe is coming soon. Maybe their eyes will be opened before it is too late.