Good Friday Is It Good?
Well, it's Good Friday. It was not a good day for Jesus, but He counted it as Joy because of the Hope we have if we accept it. Isaiah 53 outlines the work Jesus did on the cross. Like many, I have trouble understanding how Jesus could have spent 3 days and 3 nights in the earth and rose on Sunday if He died on Friday. Yes, under Jewish Law any part of a day is counted as one day, and the day begins at Sundown. The Bible narrative indicates this was a week with two High Holy days. The day before is called preparation day because no work can be done on a Holy Day (a Sabbath). Saturday is always a Holy Day (The Sabbath). The so-called Last Supper was held on Wednesday. Jesus was arrested, run through a kangaroo court, crucified and taken down from the cross before sundown because Jewish law prohibited anyone hung on a tree to be left overnight. Jesus was the Passover Lamb sacrificed for us, He rose on Sunday, the day of First Fruits. Jesus IS the First Fruits of the resurrection. What...