My Adoption Story
When we were married in 1961, my wife was in school planning to become a social worker. She quit to take a full-time job until I graduated. With a new degree in hand, and a good job with a Fortune 500 company, we set out to start a family, but there were no results. We did everything the doctors suggested, but still no results. In desperation, we applied for adoption with the Children's Home Society in 1969. After completing the application and qualification process, we expected to wait up to two years for a placement. "the pill" had reduced the number of unwanted pregnancies, and there was a shortage of adoptable babies. My wife explained to her boss that she intended to quit to become a homemaker when we received a baby. The wait was shorter than she expected. We wanted a child so badly, we made no restrictions as to sex, race, physical condition, whatever. Within two weeks we received a call from Children's Home that they had a newborn. They told us the baby had a ...