As I travel around the United States, I do visitations at 20-30 Churches every year, not to preach, but to worship, receive communion, fellowship and recharge my depleted spiritual batteries. What I observe is pews filled with people that don't act very much like Jesus. What is wrong with this picture? I don't believe they are saved. They are among the throngs of people that claim to be Christians but have never done what the Scripture requires to be saved. They think they are saved, but they are not. We are not to judge people spiritually, that is God's job, but I ask them questions. For example: "tell me what you did to be saved." They talk about salvation by works, salvation by water baptism, salvation by joining the Church, salvation by growing up in a Christian home, everything but what Romans 10:9-10 requires. I believe the Institutional Church has preached and taught from the Old Testament (the Old Testament does not end until after the cross) and ...