Global Warming?
Global Warming - An Inconvenient Truth. Any school kid should know that we have been in a warming trend since the last ice age. That may be coming to an end. While the World's leaders were attending the global warming summit (whoops! Since the scientists can't find much evidence of warming, they changed the name to "Global Climate Change"), the scientists are saying there may be a new ice age coming. We are 17 degrees below normal here in So. Florida - setting records for low temps. It seems that is happening all over the world.
I wish I could come up with a lie that everybody would believe, and they would give me a Nobel Prize for it. If we eliminate Carbon Dioxide ("greenhouse gas"), all the plants will die.
I wish I could come up with a lie that everybody would believe, and they would give me a Nobel Prize for it. If we eliminate Carbon Dioxide ("greenhouse gas"), all the plants will die.