Weight Loss and the Mona Vie RVL Product Launch

Saturday (1/8/11), I attended the Mona Vie RVL (Reveal) launch meeting in Orlando. The conference was fun. Brig Hart, who is the poster boy for Mona Vie, preached for quite a while. He said what he knows he learned from Oral Roberts, so maybe he went to ORU. Brig and his wife have made millions from Mona Vie, so spend all of their time helping others to get started in home-based business. See http://www.brighart.com/. He said there has been 150 millionaires made by Mona Vie since the company started 6 years ago.

The 4 patents they applied for were issued in September, so now anybody processing and selling Acai berry juice will have to pay Mona Vie a royalty. Acai fruit comes from Brazil, so they set up a charitable foundation in Brazil called the MORE Project. The head of it spoke for a while, and had a 16 year old girl with him who was saved from abject poverty through MORE. She has a great singing voice, and has received a recording contract through a Mona Vie Distributor who is a producer. Probably 7000 people there. Very few with dry eyes.

The purpose of the afternoon meeting which I attended was the official launch of the RVL (Reveal) product. One of the doctors from the scientific advisory panel explained the science behind the product and answered many of the commonly asked questions. He went so fast, it was hard to follow. I think most of what he said will be up on the web site http://www.monaviervl.com/. Anyway, it made a lot of sense.

Mona Vie Corporate has set up a "Million Pound Challenge." They will track the weight loss of 200 distributors, and donate $1 to the More Project for each pound lost by the participants. They polled the group at the meeting, and it looked like the average weight loss in the 90 days that RVL has been available would be about 27 pounds. There was quite a large group they called up on the stage who had lost over 50 pounds, and the largest was 63 pounds. His wife gave a testimony that was pretty funny. It led to a new claim for RVL which is "friskiness." She said she didn't previously care much about when he came home from work, but now waits by the window.

Suggestions from the audience included adding fruit to the shake to make it more tasty. The instructions tell you to make the shake with water, but you can use non-fat milk. They said it's really good with Almond Milk. I tasted the product for the first time, and I thought it tasted fine by itself. Neither the shake or the snack bars have the "dog food" taste of some of the weight loss products I have tasted. The "Juice Plus" product I bought a couple years ago tasted so much like Soy, that I had to add a dollop of peanut butter to the shake to make it palatable.

I am excited about the possibilities for RVL, because the market is huge. Americans are spending $ billions on weight loss products, with poor results. Worse yet, the reduced calorie diet is leaving them nutritionally deficient. Eventually, they will get sick. The objective should be to get healthy, get fit, and get down to an appropriate body mass index.

I have always been a skinny guy. When people ask me how I stay skinny, I tell them to pick their parents carefully. Skinny people are likely to have skinny kids. Watch what skinny people do. They tend to be active, naturally like healthy foods, and don't snack between meals. They eat a decent size breakfast and a modest lunch. Dinner is a well balanced selection of the essential food groups. Contrary to popular belief, the 3 pillars of nutrition are not Hamburgers, Pizza and Tacos, although I like all of those, and eat them occasionally. I drink fruit juice instead of soda, and prefer lemonade or just plain water when I am thirsty. I try to work out 6 days a week for 40-60 minutes. I alternate between walking/running, biking and the torture machines at the YMCA. This is absolutely essential to weight control. It adjusts your metabolic rate. Mind you, I am 71 years old. I'm not prone to high blood pressure, but I minimize the use of salt. There is more than you need in the foods you eat. The chart on the torture machine says my target heart rate for my weight (157) and age should be 120 BPM. There is nothing I can do to make it go that high. I pedal the stationary bike at 75 RPM with the difficulty level set on max, and my heart rate will level off at 110 BPM.

Fat people diet all the time, use artificial sweetener, and drink diet soda. Conclusion: dieting, artificial sweetener and diet soda make you fat. Well, perhaps not, but I think artificial anything is probably not healthy. I like an apple or a handful of nuts or baby carrots for a snack. Wash it down with Mona Vie or water. Mona Vie products are organic, all natural, no artificial anything.

I was taught that sugar doesn't make you fat, fat makes you fat. It's true, but sugar is not the kind of carbohydrate you want in a balanced diet (Carbs, High Quality Protein, Unsaturated fat plus fiber and the right mix of vitamins and minerals). Sugars have the downside risk of contributing to diabetes. You need SOME sugar to provide energy,and the rest of your carbohydrate intake should be complex carbohydrate. Carbohydrate and fiber combat the feeling of hunger when you are on a low calorie diet. Mona Vie Acai juice has some sugars in it, as does any fruit juice. However, it has a low Glycemic index = http://www.glycemicindex.com/. You should be concerned with Glycemic Index, not sugar content.

What Mona Vie Acai juice adds to the picture is antioxidants and phytonutrients, which are essential to heart health, immune system strength and joint lubrication. They tell us we should have a certain number of servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day (they keep increasing the number of recommended servings). It doesn't matter, because nobody gets anywhere near what is recommended. Mona Vie Acai Juice gives you the equivalent of what is recommended if you consume only 4 ounces per day. It does it by combining a number of fruits that come from different areas of the world to give you a balanced nutrition supplement.

Disclaimer: If anything I said above is incorrect. Blame it on the fact that I am old and get mixed up. Plus my hearing is not as good as it used to be. Interestingly though, the last two times I went to the eye doctor, my prescription changed, because my vision is better.


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