Assault Weapons - AR-15

Amongst all the yakking about assault rifles is the media implication that assault rifles are extremely powerful guns that make huge holes in people. That is not the case. The AR-15 rifles fire a 22 caliber round that was designed to be small and lightweight so a soldier could carry more ammo. Hunting rifles fire larger, more powerful cartridges that are intended to drop a moose or bear with one shot. I wouldn't try to bear hunt with an AR-15 - it's too small. From the time of the Civil War through the Korean war, soldiers carried rifles that fired really big cartridges which were lethal beyond 200 yards (one shot, one kill). Beginning with the Vietnam war the AR-15/M-16 weapons were used for close combat, spraying lots of lead quickly. Most of our Congressmen know this, but our president, who has never been in the military apparently does not.
The reason the original assault weapons ban was allowed to expire, was that is was ineffective. Be informed - do not support failed solutions.


TravelMercy said…
It has been reported that the massacre in Connecticut did not employ an AR-15 rifle. Four handguns were used. You will notice the news media fails to mention this.

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