Left vs. Right Could the Left be right? Or is Right wrong?

Years ago, before atheists came up with political correctness, and other nonsense, there was the Democratic FarmerLabor Party and the Republican Party which replaced the Whigs and Torries, for some reason.

The Democratic Party was the political representative of the common working man, who was honest, hard working, a patriot and believed in freedom of religion. While some members of the party might be described is having liberal views, most were very conservative.They believed that big business was their adversary, and sought to exploit the workers. Thus, they aligned with labor unions who promised to get them better pay and benefits if they would give them a portion of their pay.

The Republican Party was the representative of the business owner and the management of large corporations. Most members were honest, hard-working, a patriot and believed in freedom of religion. While some members of the party might be described as having liberal views, most were intensely conservative. They believed that what was good for business would be good for jobs, and that would be good for the country. While some clearly treated employees dishonestly, most believed that if you treated people right, and rewarded good performance (or conversely failed to reward poor performance), they would not need to pay somebody to negotiate for them.

Over time, the relationship between labor and management worsened, as unions negotiated contracts that rewarded non-performance the same as good performance, and productivity declined. As the union bosses became wealthy, they joined in partnership with organized crime. Extortion became part of the negotiation technique used by unions to accomplish ever more lucrative contracts. Unions threatened a worker "strike" if management did not capitulate to their demands. In some cases contracts were signed that exceeded the company's ability to pay, and the company eventually went out of business, throwing the employees into unemployment. This was detrimental to the country, as people were unable to pay their taxes. Consequently, the government saw the need for regulation, imposing increasingly oppressive rules and bureaucracy.

In 1929, the stock market crashed, triggering the great depression of the 1930's. The depression was ended by World War 2, and thousands of unemployed workers enlisted in the Army. The war years were a time of full employment as the government borrowed money to pay for the ever-increasing war effort. When the war ended in 1945, the country was forever changed. Men who had grown up on farms had seen the world, and wanted to live in cities. A building boom offered plenty of jobs for workers. Men who were immigrants or their children, wanted a better life for their families, and they went to school to accomplish better jobs. Some started their own businesses, suddenly switching from "labor" to "management."

While the members of the Democratic Party become more liberal (left leaning), the members of the Republican Party were for the most part unchanged. The government, which had been created to oppose the oppression of the British Empire, became more socialistic, offering benefits to take care of the poor, elderly and unemployed. Raising taxes to pay for the costs.

Having no convenient war to fight, the military set about fighting the "Cold War," spending ever increasing amounts of money to prepare for a war that never happened (Korea and Vietnam were not declared wars, they were United Nations Police Actions).

In more recent years, the Political Parties have morphed into debate teams dealing primarily with budget issues and social issues created by declining moral fiber in the population.

What do we mean by Liberal Left and Conservative Right?

Beats me. They are meaningless terms that do not describe the true nature and self-proclaimed mission of professional politicians whose main objective is to become multimillionaires and enjoy the good life forever.

It seems that the Democratic Party is now the representative of the atheist, pagan, intellectual or generally slothful person who has been raised to believe that the world owes them a living. The leadership are socialistic and believe you can fix any problem by burying it with money. The bigger the government, the better.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party has become the representative of everybody else, whether liberal or conservative, they need all the votes they can get, because of their reputation of being obstructionist toward the do-good Democrats..

Both parties are run by professionals who have no incentive to fix the problems, because then they would be out of a job. Nobody is going to do anything unpopular, (even if it's the right thing to do) because they couldn't get re-elected. So they create a smoke screen of irrelevant issues to hide the real issues that nobody wants to talk about.

How do we get out of this mess? GET RID OF THE PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS! Congress was never intended to be a lifetime job. Demand that Congress address viable solutions to real problems. If they don't represent you properly, replace them with ordinary citizens that will. I think we are ripe for new parties that advance candidates for office that we actually want to vote for, rather than voting for the one that is least objectionable. Currently, the Independent Party has no chance, because they are not given equal footing with the main line parties.


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